Monday, October 1, 2012

The Working Girl's Guide, Week #5- Determine Your Future Goals

Here we are at the last week! Thanks for joining me and reading along. September has been a crazy month in our house! It seems like anytime you commit to something, five other things pop up that make it hard to do.

I'll tally up and announce the winner of September's giveaway tomorrow, by the way. My plan had been to do it today, but keep checking back for the big news! :)

So, for this last week, I wan to talk about determining your future goals. Why? Because what we want to have eventually affects what we do and what our attitudes are like now.

#1- What do you want long term?
Do you want to stay at home with your kids, or even without kids, to care for your home? Do you want to continue in your career? Do you want to work a little bit but focus on home? Do you wish you were able to stay at home, but need to work for financial reasons? It's hard to make these kinds of decisions. I don't have kids yet, and I'm already stressing out about it. :) Some women feel called to be at home full time, and some do not. But, whatever path you are going to take- whether being a full time homemaker, or balancing work and home, those goals will affect how you keep your home now.

#2- How can you reach your goals?
If you plan to quit working, maybe now is the time to be planning financially and preparing to transition out of the work force. If you are planning to continue working, now is the time to learn some balance and homemaking habits that will make life a little easier. Even if being at home seems like a distant dream, be thinking of what you can do now to reach it. If you want to enhance your career, how can you achieve being great at that, and also being a great homemaker? Learn the skills and habits now that will increase your chances of success at work and homemaking, in whatever combination you choose.

#3- Being content in your current role.
This is the real kicker. Whatever it is you do now- whether you are a working mom that wants to stay at home, a stay at home mom that wants to work, a single girl that wants a husband and family, or a married girl without kids yet- that's what you are, right now. Instead of focusing on what you don't have, be content with what you have in the present. It's good to have future goals, and then work toward those. But it is also important to embrace the role you are currently in. This is hard if you just don't think you have the life you want- if it's hard for you to be at work when you just want to be at home. Or to want to have children and be a mom, but you haven't had the opportunity yet. These aren't small heartaches- but hold on to the fact that God has you in this role for a reason, and use the time to it's fullest!

Thanks again for joining up with my blog- I hope you keep coming back, and I hope you enjoyed The Working Girl's Guide to Proverbs 31!


  1. I know the giveaway's over, but I still wanted to comment and say that it is SO important to be content in your role. Sometimes it takes reminding yourself that this is what you chose, but it always helps to be content with your life.

    1. Thanks for faithfully commenting, Michelle! I'll still be counting comments as entries until the end of today, since I ended up having to post the last one late! :) I've enjoyed your insights! :)
