Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days to Balancing Work and Home {day eleven} : is it a good fit?

As with everything, we will eventually have to ask ourselves if our job is a good fit for our lives. In this economy, you can't be too choosy if you need to work. However, you do have to consider all of the factors. For example, is your paycheck still big enough to make it worth it, after you pay for child care? Is your job flexible when you have a sick child?


I am so blessed to have the job I have. My boss asked me a few months ago what my long term goals were for my position. We were able to talk openly about my desire to go down in hours when I had a child, and what that could look like. In the meantime, my job is nice and flexible. If I am not feeling well, it's possible for me to work at home. If I need to leave early, it's easy to request that last minute. I can be somewhat confident that when I am ready to begin my family, I can work with my boss to figure out what my needs are and how I fit at the company.

I know not everyone has that. My heart goes out to those who can't stand being at work, or are looked over for promotions due to making their children a priority. It's a tough world out in the work force.

So ask yourself what yourself if your job is working for you as a family and home-oriented woman. If it doesn't, is there an option that could be better for you? Could you work at home a day or two out of the week? Could you cut back in some areas and work fewer hours? Is finding a different job a possibility for you?

I know this post may not be applicable to everyone. I just want to throw out some food for thought. I love working. But I also am very thankful to have a position where I can make my home and husband a priority. And I don't feel bad about that- about both of those things being important to me! The point of this is to think outside of the box. Get creative! Sometimes that's what it takes to find a balance in our lives.

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