Saturday, October 27, 2012

31 Days to Balancing Work and Home {day twenty-seven} : make the most of the morning.

I won't lie to you- I stink at this. I hate morning. I mean, really hate it. I don't get up until the last minute, and rush through my morning routine. I barely (and sometimes don't) make it to work by nine. I am the poster child for "not a morning person."

That being said, I do get up at 3 am with the hubs every morning to make his breakfast and lunch. If I am not dead tired, I stay up for a little bit and try to do one or two productive things- switch the laundry, do the dishes from the night before, catch up on Vampire Diaries prep dinner for that night.

Unfortunately, when I climb back in bed for a few hours, getting up when the alarm goes off is almost guaranteed not to happen. But that is a problem for another day. The point of this post is to talk about what TO do in the mornings. I have to say, when I get out of bed for the second time in the morning, I am always grateful to myself if I took a little while to clear the dishes out of the sink, or do some laundry earlier that morning. It just starts my day off right.

Another thing that helps my morning go a little better is to shower the night before. I think what slows me down the most is my shower (I love long showers, and I lose track of time!) or blow drying and straightening my hair. If I can do that the night before, my morning is WAY faster.

So, tell me- does anyone else struggle with morning, but wants it to be more productive? What do you do to help yourself make the most of your morning?

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