Sunday, October 7, 2012

31 Days of Balancing Work and Home {day seven} : declutter.

I recently read this post over at Looking for Love, Luck, and... about purging your home of unwanted things. And I heartily agree with her.

Day seven is all about the purging and decluttering. When I get swamped with cleaning at my house, it is because there is stuff all over. Junk mail, laundry, books, dishes- you name it. I can tend to get kind of messy, but when I buckle down and clean, I clean deep. I am all about "a place for everything and everything in it's place." If it doesn't have a place, or a purpose, it's gotta go!

Today I spent a lot of time cleaning our bedroom, which is honestly a catch all space for me. I know, that's bad. I'm trying to get better. It is just so easy to clean up downstairs where people will actually see it, and then toss the leftovers in the bedroom and shut the door. Like, for weeks at a time. Today, I made a huge pile of things to get rid of. Tomorrow, I just have to muster up the self-discipline to take it to Goodwill.

Having too much stuff is a great way to always have a messy house. The less stuff you have, the easier it is to keep it clean. Period. So get rid of things as you clean! Do you really need to keep folding up that ripped dish towel and putting it away? Do you really need all 45 pairs of shoes? Could you pare down the number of Tupperware containers filling the cabinet?

If someone else could reasonably use something, like a pair of jeans that's nice, but you haven't fit in for two years, donate. If it is not something you would give someone, like old underwear- throw it in the trash. But by all means. purge.

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