Thursday, October 4, 2012

31 Days of Balancing Work and Home {day four} : lose the pride.

My advice for the packaged cookies from the bakery.

Why such trite advice today? Because we put so much pressure on ourselves to perform. I know not every working woman feels this way, but I am one that likes to make things from scratch. It kind of kills me to buy any packaged food. Whenever I am signed up to bring food to some event, I like it to be something that I made. So, I have to ask myself at times if it is a matter of wanting to be healthy and eat whole foods, or is it a matter of pride? For our meals at home, I would say it is about health.

But yesterday, I had to scrap the baking pride and pick something up at the grocery store for a meeting while I was running late to work. I would rather wow people. I would rather be the person with the best, yummiest dish. I like people to ask for my recipes. That's pride talkin'!

This week I've been busy. This week, I've been trying to focus on my house. This week I didn't have time to make yummy things. Because I work all day. And you know what? That's ok. Bake when you can, buy when you need to in order to maintain your sanity and be a good steward of your time. That's what I'm learning.

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