Monday, August 13, 2012

What's on the Menu {August 12- 18}

I am trying to incorporate a lot from the garden, since it is doing so well. That's awesome, in theory, but it does add a lot more food prep time. The whole "seed to the table" philosophy is no joke! It's no wonder that a woman's life in the old days, or even in some cultures now, revolved around meal preparation! Some days I feel like that's me! Even if my hunting and gathering takes place at Giant Eagle. :)

So here's what we're eating this week:

Sunday: We ate some homemade salsa, compliments of my talented hubby, with chips, and snacked on leftovers. We had a heavy lunch so we weren't that hungry. And we have no children. I will remember with fondness the days where I ate chips for dinner around 8pm, as soon as I start having little ones. :)

Monday: Hubby has band practice, and so he'll grab something on the road after work. I taught after work and got home late, and ate warmed up pizza in front of the computer. Not much of a meal plan so far, eh?

Tuesday: We have small group on Tuesdays, and I am supposed to bring some sort of fruit dish. A great reason to do a little "research" on Pinterest later.

Wednesday: Baked tilapia, cilantro rice, grilled eggplant with tomatoes and feta

Thursday: Crockpot Italian chicken with potatoes and carrots

Friday: My friend Ashley is holding a Scentsy party at my place, and so I will be providing some appetizers and drinks. Hubs is fleeing the scene, and staying far far away from a house full of ladies buying pretty smelly things. I'm not sure what he'll eat. :)

Saturday: Lasagna Casserole, garlic bread, salad

Freezer/Make Ahead Items: I HAVE to chop up and freeze the banana peppers from our garden before they go bad. I will. I must. Also, shred and freeze that massive amounts of zucchini. Also, figure out something to do with our cucumbers. (Only one plant next year, I promise! They're everywhere!)

So, this is obviously not much of a cooking week for me! I am trying to let go of having guilt feelings during a busy week, and go with it. Enjoy this time in our lives where routine isn't all important. It's hard for a girl like me. :)

Linking up at: Money Saving Mom

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