Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Working Girl's Guide to Proverbs 31 {an introduction}

I am excited to introduce this five week series for those of us who are out there in the workforce everyday. (Ladies who are full time wives and moms, or those who work at home- keep reading on! You are welcome as well; we will be talking about lots of useful things that everyone can apply!) 

I believe that it is reflected in Scripture that our home, whatever that looks like, is to be our top priority as women. Sometimes making your home a priority means bringing in a second income. In this economy and culture, that is very often the case. Some people and groups of people believe very adamantly that the role of a woman/wife/mother is to be at home full time. That's ok, if you believe that. Or if you don't. Or even if you are somewhere in between!

I think God lays it on some hearts to be at home full time, and some to work any number of hours, for a variety of reasons. I also strongly believe that just because you are at home full time does not mean you are building up your home. And vice versa: just because you are at work does not mean you build your home or make it a priority any less! 

The truth is, homemaking is hard work. Period. 

Somewhere, you will make sacrifices. You might have to sacrifice that extra income to be at home full time. You might have to sacrifice your time in order to be at work all day. And if you can stay at home without struggling financially, you may have to sacrifice having your spouse around more because he is working a lot for that income! Still some could stay at home without struggling, but prefer to continue in their career- and that's fine, too! So you see, no one has the perfect, ideal situation with tons of time for work, cleaning, cooking, husbands, children, and themselves. Everyone is struggling somewhere with their role as a woman, or wife, or mother. The female role is forever being defined and redefined. 

This five part series is going to be geared toward organizing your home, managing your time, and forgiving yourself for the things that take a back burner. (And we will talk about which things should take a back burner!) I will be sharing time saving, stress-reducing ideas, and ways to get more done in less time. Oh, and I will be preaching to myself, and learning along with you- I'm definitely not an expert! 

Finally, during September, I am making a focused effort to promote The Modern Girl's Guide! My goal is to reach 100 followers, both here on the blog and on Facebook. At the end of the 5 weeks of Saturdays, I will be choosing a random winner for a special giveaway, whether the goal is reached or not! Prize, entry, and contest details to be announced! 

I am so glad to have you join me, and I hope you keep reading The Modern Girl's Guide for all things homemaking!

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