Friday, December 2, 2011

{friday's featured female} :: The Proverbs 31 Woman, vs. 13-25

I'm struck by how many things the Proverbs 31 lady had her fingers in. Sometimes I feel like I need to pick one thing and make a career or life's goal out of it. Does anyone else ever feel that way? The need to compartmentalize our lives?

What I like about her is that she isn't in a box. She is into variety, but she isn't flighty. She doesn't take on so many things that all of them are half-finished. Instead, she purposefully chooses many areas of interest. Anything that promotes her big-picture goal of keeping her home and family is in. If it doesn't help her get to where she needs to be, it's out.

Check out the diversity of this cool lady!

Vs. 13- She creates products to sell, and also to use in her home.
Vs. 14- She is a savvy shopper, often traveling to get the best products.
Vs. 15.- She manages her household staff, and is able to designate responsibility.
Vs. 16- She invests in buying property.
Vs. 16- She uses the money from that property to invest and create a second avenue of income.
Vs. 17- She keeps herself healthy and fit.
Vs. 18 & 19- She uses her spare time in the evenings to work on her products to sell.
Vs. 20- She invests in helping the needy with her time and money.
Vs. 21- She takes the time to prepare her home for hard times and seasons.
Vs. 22.- She creates clothing for her family that are both practical and beautiful.
Vs. 23- She married someone who brings her honor as well.
Vs. 24- She sells her products wholesale to merchants, and collects her revenue later.
Vs. 25- She isn't lazy! (That we can tell!)

I love how she values her time, as well as her finances. She doesn't waste very much, but she figures out how to make her time and money work for her. She definitely works smarter and not harder. She frees herself up to do more by becoming more efficient; she doesn't burn herself out by doing too much! I think this is an especially hard thing to learn.

I love lots of different things, but I don't know if I limit myself to things that will help me build my life. I want to learn what this woman mastered- streamlining, not taking on new things on a whim. Her interests are careful building blocks of her life. I want to be calculated with my time, my money, and my talent, like she is.

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