So, I did my traditional browsing of old resolutions before writing this. I had been thinking about posting them, but it was honestly too embarrassing! I should have, because 2013 was my 10 year anniversary of setting goals and resolutions faithfully every year. But no, I couldn't bring myself to share the thoughts of my 18 year old brain. (Yikes.) By the way, this is the same fear that I have about writing a book. And even a blog. I am terrified that I will publish something for all the world to see and then I will look back in 10 years and think, "What an idiot!"
So, anyway, I didn't accomplish as much in 2013 as I had hoped. I did work on some things that I think were the most important, so I count that as success. But I am definitely hoping to reach some more goals in 2014.
A few things I did in 2013 that I'm pretty proud of...
1. My plan was to read 24 books- two per month- and I started out strong, then got pretty busy. And watched too much TV. :)
I did read 16, though, and I am still in the middle of 3. I include audiobooks in that, because sometimes that's the only way to get it in.
2. I do feel like I more
time and effort into my friendships, which was a big desire of mine. I feel like with the busyness of adult life, I forget that this is important.
3. I
kept in touch with several of my girls who I worked with and really tried to invest more in their lives. Being in the system is no joke, and kids need a lot of support. Consider being a mentor!
4. I started
blogging consistently again in October. I feel like I lost a lot of ground and momentum when I stopped for a while, but I'm excited about the new direction I am taking.
5. I
completed several project goals and financial goals in 2013, and I'm looking forward to some more in 2014!
And here are some things I'd like to do in 2014...
1. Read 24 books this year- 2 per month!
2. De-clutter: Take a 156 Things Challenge. That's getting rid of 3 things per week that we don't need! I would imagine that some weeks it will be more and some weeks it will be less.
3. Join the gym with hubby and actually go to it. Seriously, it has to happen. I am so out of shape.
4. Focus on my relationships with God, the hubs, my friendships, and my girls.
5. Blog weekly, commit to my writing, focus on building readership, continue learning about design.
6. Commit to a cash budget for our spending categories other than gas, bills, and savings.
7. Seriously consider going back for my Master's degree. I'm not ready to make actually starting it a goal, but I want to weigh all my pros and cons and see what it will cost and require. Also, I would need to decide on a major for it.
So, I think that's it for me this year...I don't want to make a huge list and bite off more than I can chew. I want to commit to things that I can actually accomplish and work on in my life. What are some goals that you're setting this year?